Suggestions in DONTFORGET

lets have muffet as a shopkeeper (it isnt mine, my deviantart account is xxtyedwards
Could be funny if thares app data for it to change the exp and level, but with a twist, adding a hacker vessel if they hack sense thair a cry baby maybe
Let’s have muffet do emoted and dancing plz
Mandarina for DoodleTrip (if yes, she will be in doodletrip and undertale don’t forget story mode, if no, then she will appear in undertale don’t forget story mode
So, undertale711 (my best friend in deviantart) doing a tf (transformation) rp, he said “you gain two swords” when I’m tfing into mandarina, that sounds like a good idea
We can add our own bosses to the game, like it?
some future bosses you can unlock their vessels defeating them.
Have death quotes for enemy’s, bosses, and players (only pvp) like mandarina (and also, thares a gold version of her) and we should have boss in our enemy collection
Sense thares gold enemy’s, let’s have gold bosses, that sounds good right?
Another idea, sense flowey does have a voice, what about a option where enemy’s and bosses have voices