Suggestions in DONTFORGET

I have a suggest on pvp mechanics (details in the comments)
In the new story mode, I'd love for dadster to be canon! Its heavily hinted at in undertale. (Gaster using skeleton font, the kids drawing in drawer on a certain fun value) It would be an interesting addition! (If it's not already canon in the story)
In the next update there should be a way where you can choose what attack you would like to challenge the player with
also, avatar/sprite creator would be nice!
Puzzle maker from classic and muffet as shopkeeper so we can buy spider donuts and spider cider
Petition to make pvp fair again (make everyone have normal health, example is that one person has 28 health and the other has 48)
I Was Thinking Gaster Can Be The One Who Captured Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, And ASGORE.
Vote To Add All 6 Humans That Fell Down
Who Would Like For Ricky To Bring Back The Shop In The Corrupted Void Area?
I Have an idea, you could make a "suggestions" channel on the DF discord for easier access
can you add gaster skin in v.2.5.0 please