Suggestions in DONTFORGET

idea for that potato skin:
you have to have 100 of one pog
I think Don't Forget would be TONS better if every character got a second costume (e.g. Undyne's armoured and non-armoured forms)
Custom rooms? I dont know if people would like this but I think it would be cool to be able to create your own small rooms and let others come there. You could also add a rating system where people could enter see your room and rate it.
i think you guys should add commands like /stickbug,/rickroll and /gnome and those command would blast out some voices or sounds like the gnomed command is hooh rickroll is never gonna give you up and stick bug is the normal stickbug song
i have an idea,an oc creator,many ppl dont like see others using the same skin so an oc creator gonna be really good for they

I hope there is something I can do so I can have gaster skin
like getting all the keys or completing the story mode (not this story mod)
help, I don't speak English, and it takes time to use google translator