Suggestions in DONTFORGET

if this game gets a diamond grind room, i will scream until my voice yeets itself into outer space
Diamond Grind Room FTW
The second part of ideas for commands:
/bacon - You get Bacon Hair from Roblox
/SHITDOWN - Closes game
/april fools - You find yourself in April Fool's Chapter 1 (Well, where Harlow collects puzzles on different maps)
I'm have suggestions to new commands:
/ban RickyG - Will write a message in the chat: You cannot lol
/skin RickyG - You get some exclusive skin, which one? Let it pick RickyG
/skin R2FzdGVyYm90 - You get skin of R2FzdGVyYm90(Gasterbot).
Make niko a free character
That way we can all play as out favorite cat-human person thing
Can you add item chests where you can story your items in like in UT? And maybe add dimensional boxes as a cellphone upgrade which you can buy for G in Alphys' lab?
Idea: actually LOOK at the ideas channel and don't make it for absolutely nothing.
My Idea:
What if you just try to friend with people in-game?
And, if you can, maybe, you can make new spell, it's TP decreasement. You can try to decrease someone's TP, but in numbers you want. Decreasing 5 TP, costs 5 TP of yours.
Will you make PVP messages animated, just like you made local chat messages? Also it would be cool if you add Sans and Papyrus fonts in PVP.
what about adding a pose/emote for more characters?, since there are a lot without it (Ness, Asgore, Ink, etc)