Suggestions in DONTFORGET

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It would be cool, if DONTFORGET had a feature that you shouldn't log in your account every time when starting up the game, like in TS!Underswap.

Edit: this idea is outdated, because after 2.5 the annoying scene with Gaster "connecting" player was removed.

I Think There Is Gonna be no story mode in the new update Of DF Because RickyG is making connected the main game

Light nicknames of peoples who's idea's used in game orange color in overworld(P. S. My nickname DEMASRIEL)

Add in DF Forgotten Collection Uppertale, Uppertale Remastered Demo, and Uppertale Earliest Version


The option to have custom grind music override all music in the grind rooms.

Useful for if you've got some good grinding music but every battle lasts roughly 2 turns because you have a really good weapon.

why not add pets,like on UTMV?

Fanmade character after ralsei (probably) dies

Can you please make it so that, when you hold X with auto run on, you walk until you quit holding X like in the classic deltarune?

My idea: Make Custom Skin and global chat notifications

Squid dog skin! (Just kidding)

Actual idea: PvP rank rewards, like G, Undercoins, skins, etc.