Suggestions in DONTFORGET

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So, I'm sure the chaos vessel's ability is already decided but I got some ideas...
1. Chaos Vessels have attacks bosses use, having less HP in exchange for the stronger attacks.
2. Chaos Vessels deal a range of damage with a perfect hit, from 3 to 8.

i want to change ban tiers and add one

tier 1 (banned for a day)

tier 2 (banned for a week)

tier 3 (banned for a month)

tier 4 (banned for a year)

tier 5 (forever and cannot be appealed)

Can you put Omori in the game?

wow I play DF connected more than all games you know? DF connected the Legendary Game than all games sorry for all game good bye

please add custom skin abilty

Can you please make Partners menu look the same as Vessels menu? Players don't want to keep spamming the right arrow key so much.

ok so rickyG can u add cloers to the 2022 update

and also u did say u will add a story mode and thx for baning those 2 users

I recommend adding a feature where in the offline mode you can have up to 3 partners with you at once, another feature where you can use your offline file online and adding some super Mario bros skins/partners.

Make admins or mods ocs into the game and every mod or admin can only play with his oc and not the others mods ocs

A Buff to electric type in PvP. At the moment, Electric is a joke in PvP, it's just free TP with little to no danger. Also a nerf to the fighting types would be nice too, it'd encourage more variety.