Suggestions in DONTFORGET

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Add Crono Trigger and LIVE A LIVE vessels.
add touhou vessels like cirno or junko or even flandre

add sonic the hedgehog with this sprite
Make the Chara partner give extra EXP becasuse of genacide, and they guide you so you dont miss enimys in waterfalls
Add a wide screen mode in Borders, and possibly color sprites.
For gold and dimond monsters, they have a gold/dimond glow to them.
Also ima just say it, add a Silver Chara, Emerold Kris, and a Dimond Harlow
we know . there is gold monsters and the rare diamonds . but diamonds is not that rare so what do you think @RickyG . make emeralds monsters and let it be very rare and its giving 9999 xp
Add a Silver Chara, emerald Kris, and possibly dimond Harlow as skins to match golden Frisk.