Suggestions in DONTFORGET

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When at V.30 can you put some new Vessel??? like all Chara's Aus and the others but it's okay if you don't put them that much, and I hope you read this, and the New Color Souls Like, The "FEAR", And "DESPAIR", "HATE, "HOPE" I Found them on Google ✨✨😅


Also maybe have Ness do the Peace Sign as his Emote

i think that would be neat.

Be able to save maps with custom tile sets. i don't really see the point of having the option to import custom tile sets and not being able to even save the map. (sorta off topic but, absolutely love this game continue the great work.)

can we get some new songs

Add the bed lump vessel!

Do a old register(or a new register in game)

Something along the lines of more emotions from Kris.

...Also, we need Muppet Kris, I think that would be quite...interesting.

Add Partner Commands.

Make the Huds different everytime we choose the [OTHER] vessels.
Add more numbers of Partners.

oh,can we have spamton charactor?thx