Suggestions in DONTFORGET

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So now whit the new side load of apple it can be possible to get dont forget in apple, do it.

darker worlds such as the village... we have all seen it

Cyber World.

Add a progress bar for quests/trophies (for example, the quest that requires you to get all weapons and armour could have a progress bar underneath)

make last breath sans but make his jacket black and white so it can be recognized or make him a skin for sans

I have a quality-of-life idea.

Letting us go to the main menu without quitting the game. This would make switching save files easier and will be a pretty handy feature.

AN IDEA FOR THE [[2.8.0v]] UPDATE, MAKE IT IF SOMEONE'S ACCOUNT BANNED ABLE TO RESTORE/TRANSFER HIS SAVES, Like "This account is banned! would you like to transfer the data?" Then they give them the file that they want, it is way better than unbanning

What about adding more emotes for DW Berdly?
Also,replacing DW Berdly's "holding a book" pose to the same thing might be good.

New overworld Characters: [AU SECTION]

Distrust sans (cooler edition.)

Disbelief Papyrus

Swap! Kris

Swap! Susie

Dust Sans.

the game would be better with new places

maybe adding the deltarune overworld place with little secrets can be good?