Suggestions in DONTFORGET

A large majority of the people in Grillby's want TS!Underswap vessels. (Mostly Koffin K my beloved)

Add jerdly to the game as a skin for berdly

I saw the update trailer in underverse and i think some characters now have more than 1 emote. so my suggestion is that ralsei should have another emote and its him smoking a doobie
I came up with a good idea to make it so that in the settings you can turn off the inscription but no one came”so that you can continue to spare and kill monsters.I also suggest adding bosses from undertale to df connected + bosses from deltarune
guys, since i saw the last post in df connected, there i saw that the characters will have 3 poses, well, you could bring back susie and lancer old pose.
This is very stupid
But Gordon Freeman, his attack style would be crowbar, it's genius, I think
Honestly it'd be cool if that like
You're in a party with someone, you'd babe the choice to join the battle
Adding the Dark Ruins from Undertale Yellow as a secret area.
Add Clover as skin or new vessel since undertale yellow hyping up!
Add a skill that divides your dmg to multiple targets so like at level one it would do 25% of your dmg to two targets level 2 50% and level 3 75%