Suggestions in DONTFORGET

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Repost This Guys 50 Reposts for @RickyG will HAVE to add an Undertale Yellow Characters in update 7.8.1b
Could you slightly increase the damage on the master sword? i feel being able to at least OHKO Whimsalot without a crit would go a long way in motivation, as you can feel and see a real sense of progression.
The core grind is a slog
Ideas related to customizing the name and icons of DONTFORGET...
This idea came to to me in a vived dream where in grind zones you can buy stuff like skins and special items from an overworld shop
Idea for Vessel
Psycho Mantis. Psycho Mantis was the first character to break the fourth wall, with him being also the most notorious from that, and Undertale is pretty known for it's Fourth Wall breaks, so this is my petition for Psycho Mantis in game
I'm so desperate for 2.8, so I wish more features that have been finished in 2.8 could be ported to 2.7.9(d???), like the New Map Editor. Along with this 2.7.9 patch there could be liked suggestions and features from Discord and Gamejolt.