Questions in DONTFORGET
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Whats this tall lady? What I need to do?
(7/28/22) Has anyone bin getting randomly Kicked, It keeps happing to me, and Im right next to the Internet.
Is nintendo switch Pro controllers conpadible?
I am logging in for the first time, but even though I enter everything right, it says something like "try again later". What do I do? (I am on mobile.)
i forgot my user and pass what do i do now?
I cant seem to find away to turn on pvp, can someone help me?
Dose anyone realy gets unbaned, I got ban, but it makes me wonder if anyone gets unban, and also dose other accounts work, I try others but they dont work?
so my freind is using a tracker to track me in game, is that a feture, I want to know, his user is "Jpels", I know because we usaly role play