Questions in DONTFORGET

@RickyG It's cool, of course, that the 2.7.9b patch was released, but is there at least an approximate release date of 2.8?
why when i play the game in online mode it says there is a new version when i have DF CONNECTED v2.7.8b (Windows) and how do i fix it if i can?
What will happen to the skill energy levels (hope i said it right) in 1.8? Will be replaced with rewards or completely removed?
An update on my last question,if the ban reason is something like "modded client",if we show proof of us deleting it,are we able to get unbanned from the discord server?
Question for the mods,is there any way to appeal a discord server ban?
is there any way to switch profiles without closing the game? and if not, will we ever get one?

what does it give me after I max it out?
I also maxed out my skills
I have just been unbanned and I don't want to repeat my mistake again, so where can I see the rules?