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at the same day

do i even need to say anything

what the heck? i don't know did it and what it is merged. thanks uboxo12

name: rafacan
report reason: racism + spaming

I Said To The Other People That If There Swear There Will Be Reported And This Noob Dare Me So Ban This Guy For 1 Week For Dare


So I want to know why is he there since one week

Im not reporting him I want to know why is he there (he never disconnected)

Hello. BotFellaYT referenced a nazi quote to me while we were talking in Snowdin. I apologize for no evidence. This happened around half an hour ago and I didn't think to screenshot at the time.

When I do it in single player -2 it happens that I can't hear the volume anymore and all the controls get bugged, mostly I can't get online because it tells me to re-download the game but I've downloaded it 100 times

Man, it happened again! please @RickyG unban me, I didn't do any of that!
My account is: "ZAZANI" please help!