All Posts in Dark Side of Kirby
Dark Matter
Ribbon dies and becomes a ghost
Adeleine stabbed Ribbon (Halloween Edition)
If Kirby collaborated with Dumb Ways to Die #kirby64 #ribbonkirby #kirby #kirbyseries #dumbwaystodie #crossover #cute #fanart #blood #cartoon #parody #funny #death #kirbystarallies
Adeleine just eaten Ribbon's head off
3rd view person on Dream page of comic in chapter 1
(or the page name call Primum somnium)
Zero to Zero Two that found Zero Two headband
30D Concept (for the main to other character)
with alternative ending(Accept punish ending) design. (in chapter 1)
30D Matter chapter 1 alternative ending
I have finish the comic chapter 1 on 2 part you can out on this. But there will more in next time