general in Dave And Bambi

this community feels like the official community and need and be verified

testt 2



Funeralbi decimated the wrong person (ft. True Expunged, Multicorn)

people who unironically use the "bandu reaction images to reply your friends with" images deserve to be put in leashes


uhhh heres a dave i guess

d&b fans when they see a woman(scary)

i should make a d&b mod named something typical like "bioluminescent skycrap" and the whole shticky about it is that the mod has one song that is a banger and every other "song" is just that same song but its slightly altered everytime. did i cook? chat?

yup, definitely running out of ideas

tbh i like the way Dave's voice was used in the earlier mod versions, being more bassy. The way Dave's voice is used now makes it have those ugly high notes