All Posts in Dave and Bambi Community/Fan Club (Read Description Please)

please stop changing this

на те вам леди (я хз как ей норм волосы рисовать, но да)
1 - оригинал
2 - моё

here's lady (idk how to draw her hairs, but yes)
1 is - original (i don't remember author)
2 is - mine

I'm a little sad now, I probably won't post it yet, but it will pass quickly, but in the meantime, those are all my works, both good and bad

Ermm what the Funeral

for the first time ever:


ребетня, продолжаем уличные похождение с этим инвалидным овощем?
guys, are we keep on streets walking with disabled vegetable?

я кнч всё понимаю, но... КАК?
i'm sure of understanding all, but.. HOW?

please give @Fuzzy_lol some comfort

хотели веселье? Я ВАМ ПОКАЖУ ВЕСЕЛЬЕ! (кто понял, тот понял)
do u want fun? I'LL SHOW YOU FUN! (who get it, that get it)

ok lets go

Fnf Your local kitsunophobia Fan marathon collection New logo And

Terminaphobia (YLKPF Remix)