Dave And Bambi: Golden Apple in Dave and Bambi Community/Fan Club (Read Description Please)

please stop changing this

a old model i made a few weeks ago

Банду и конфеты - канон

Bandu and sweets are canon

я сделала Бандыча, он выглядит более канонно

i made Bandu, he is looking more canon

красный прыщ испугал инвалида (Дэйв умер лол)

red pimp scared disabled person (Dave is dead lol)



Am I the only one who finds these reaction memes the most unfunny shit ever?

Edit: The image 3 is the only funny

Очень комфортно и уютно) (нет)

So comfortable and cozy (no)

фуррэ убивает...
furry kills...

нафига ты схавал торт Бандыча, красный прыщ?
da heck did u eat Bandu's cake, red pimp?
