Weird things in your files in Dave and Bambi Community/Fan Club (Read Description Please)

please stop changing this

C:\Users\Julia\Pictures\фд ДНБ моя жизнь =3\Dave Algebra Class my beloved)

кхм-кхм.. не спрашивайте, зачем я ЭТО палю...
ahem-ahem.. don't ask, why do I reveal THIS...

banjet gets a bit freaky 😈🙏🏻

даже не пытайтесь понять, откуда у меня Э Т О...
even don't try to understand, where I have T H I S...

Ex-plain this


My absolute favorite character of all time frfr

Gender fluid woman 😍🥰

(Almost all the expunged pictures I have are here - womp...

I'll be posting more goofy ahh calling things on tmrw


my rela adrsess.!!11!!!11!1!1

I definitely didn't kidnap him

ok so take this delightful (awful!!) image. (WARNING. NEVER GO ONTO DEVIANTART!!)

Why is this a thing?