General in Diamond Froggy Team
New Scheduled Videos I Think
Wednesday: Making a thumbnail
Thursday: Making a thumbnail
Friday:Record a new video, editing the video
Saturday: Record a new video, editing the video
Sunday: All done nothing to do :/
Um @DiamondFroggy I think your game have a one issue is that the fade out screen before the game starts when I tap it it doesn't let me so you can fix this bug or maybe I was wrong :/
Game will be soon release
The game will be take so long to complete this game by using pocket code not clickteam and I'm sorry for not using clickteam cuz I always used pocket code so yeah :/
Another same drawing but this time with hearts and glowing cyan so yeah :/
You have 14 hours to complete the voting
it looks like Two Nights at Sonic's is going to beat the FNaS Alternate Night 🥶🥶
Well Guys Here's a Greenscreen of Monster Cotty and Monster Cotty on the Shadow of Darkness Story ARC Video Called Dreams and Darkness
Stay Tuned for the Upcoming FNwFroggy Animation for Now 😎☺️