Digimon World : Destruction in Digimon
Trailer for the game is out! just the few more testing bits in order to make sure it can be played through without issues! should be released somewhere around this month. Stay tuned!
Hello fans of digimon, Destruction's almost ready for release, just a bit more player testing just in case we get some nasty bugs! Release will either be late february or early march. Will keep you all notified!
Well fellow digifans... we gotta delay this game a bit because once again, life is dragging us from this game to be finished in time. At March or April though, this game will be done as we've also managed to finish all the chapters so we're getting close!
It's finally here! The final episode of the Digimon Destruction Strategy Game!
I say final, but there will be more coming in the future..
Hope you enjoy it: https://youtu.be/BfkkD5w88gE