general in >Dormitabis

Share your creations!

Guys this is important, Honko is pretending be me, please, be carefull, my Discord account is Nightmareral_1416 not NightmareralDev, so be carefull with that guy.

here's a thumbnail i've made that's based off a combination between trtf and dormitabis, but i'll never make this game into a reality :)

honestly, one of the best things i've made, it sounds JUST like the original Garvey from >Dormitabis_ doesn't it?

[Dormitabis] Garvey sings Synthetic Agony (official voice)
Synthetic Agony by Muse of DiscordGarvey voice and audio mixing by methis is NOT an A.I. cover! i made this!

okey so...…

i owe y'all a dormitabis game BUT i have no team and very little leftover from my last two failed ones, i'mma need some help.

anyone remember the 2015/2016 dormitabis videos?

should i make a dormitabis fangame? (4-day open poll)

[re-polled due to accidental lack of community entry]

  17 votes Voting finished

Dormitabis fanart, 3 are rushed and those are:

-Redrawn Garvey

-Havoc Bonnie


hey everyone, someone of the Expelled server ( @Lonarn093 ) sent me porn when I'm underAge, and that's a crime. If someone read this I Hope you understand.

is this an entire community dedicated to game i found out existed through uhyeah's youtube channel in which the lore was made by a pedophile featuring pedophilic william afton (which happens to be the (lore) creator's self insert) or something