general in >Dormitabis
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{REM} Game page is up!
Okay I'm gonna say this, report @IloveDormitabistrilogy, not only he posted porn, but HE POSTED GORE!
And forgot to mention he's lonarn
Bro, @IloveDormitabistrilogy is literally posting porn in my posts
{REM} Still working on the office. I wish I had more to share but I've been really busy lately 3;
{REM} Havoc Freddy, unfinished. Progress has been slow due to life, but I'll have more things to show soon.. See you soon! (◕ω◕)
(Afternote) I'm going back to working on my havoc Freddy model, I really hope you two don't do anything stupid... please >w<
(2/2) Secondly, @DevoBevoNevo , I get where you are coming from, but I don't feel like this is the best course of action. I feel like it's more important to point out the wrongs that someone has done than just yelling at them online repeatedly. ;3
(1/2) Jesus, it really is impossible for drama to not start every 2 seconds. Firstly, @AnAberrantTeam, I know you don't mean any harm, but that is a word with a terrible past, and continues to be used for hate in the modern day.
@AnAberrantTeam you have so much explaining to do