art in ⚠ENA⚠

Make sure your post has minimal swearing and no sexual content!

while I was doing the previous post, I found some old drawings

its coral man
(for a roblox game)

My sucky art was asked for and now you will receive.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
(i put it in the ENA community cuz my style is similar)

Soy tambien un ENA fan :P
Siempre lo fui Bp

i forgot to finish this one
well here's a drawing of ena
it is simple but i hope you like

Me pase de burger con sus piernas
No sé dibujar piernas 💺

ESP: Ok... Al fin terminé este trabajo de artística, el cual tenía muchas ganas de mostrar porque me la pasé muy bien haciendolo.
En este trabajo quise hacer algo similar a los fondos de Sonic CD lmao.
ENG: pls read the article