serious in ꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨ ꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿ
ꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨ ꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ ꎨꂷꎨꑀꌅꌅꊿꌅ
.... I'm so fucking pissed off right now I want to rip my step mother's organs and burn them
(read the article why)'s him...who doesn't accept me being a cyn lover...
he changed his pfp to hide...
but I've found him...
and now you will find him too...
...hope he's happy what he will get...
. . . hey is Chevelle not ZEA look at me aren't i amazing?
I'm about to start crying…
just give me some time will I be the same? hell no... but I'll still be the best for everyone ( the best I can be for now)
this might be a little much but I'm just being truthful..
Quick news update: things are getting a little busy for me i am still able to be online but for a short times and for liminal things I can do
cannot do: post join Discord groups, or normal groups
can do : be online , chat ( a little )
One of my "friends" ( backstapping bitch)
said that I was a crybaby and that if my tears were made of ink i could probably make an entire imaginary friend
i feel even worse now...
I feel cold and alone.....ħɇłᵽ..mɇ
if anyone has the urge to cut themselves use this website the video above shows what it is ( quick little preview by me)