General_Dares in Team Sonic.Exe/Fazbear Clan (With Team Suicide Mouse.EXE and Team Sunky)


What would yall consider as the single most overrated FNF song ever?

You’re wrong. it isn’t march 14th, it’s THE DAY THE KRABS FRIES

Just got my first mint

Awesome sauce

I didn’t know pedobear was like, an actual term on the internet. I thought it was just made up by that stupid ass Shane Dawson horror movie.

I think the Minecraft movie is probably just gonna be harmlessly mid, it’s probably not gonna be a total nightmare of a game adaptation like Borderlands. Plus it might even be kinda funny when the actors unnecessarily overact their lines.

Wip :3

Do people actually play Star Wars Hunters? I know I don’t.

Only 6 followers left to beat that bad EXE game of mine

Holy shit the switch port of BFN is so god damn weird like wtf

I just completely forgot how to draw DBTG ever since the one time I drew him a whole bunch like over six months ago so that’s cool.