All Posts in Kyth's Lil Homey

System of a Dowowowown....
Y'all go give @Discontinued404 some likes and follows!! He's really funny and he's started to be underrated lately, give em some smiles so he doesn't quit! <3
Oh yeah, to continue on the Education of Ivy Blake post
I'm almost done
Like literally I got it Wednesday and I'm almost done
Barely abt 50 pages to go
I feel lonely
I miss my irl bsf's hugs bro
Just made a Wattpad acc!! It's called Kkyth (@Georgiecoopergf)!
Follow me <3 I'll make an 100 follower special if you want me to!
Anyone know that challenge where you snap in two spots with your left hand and snap in three spots with your right hand? It's supposed to only succeed with people good at playing instruments right? I succeeded it and I've barely touched a piano😂😂

Yay!! 60 followers!! How 'bout we try to get to 100??
Shower thoughts!!
("*" is for major thoughts)
Also, y'all, I got some big change(s) comin' up!! (Hint: 💎👂, ðŸŽ, 🎉🎉
I just did my nails y'all!! It's really simple, just a sapphire-like blue, but I'm proud because it's the first time I've done my nails without supervision (haven't done my nails for over a year, actually)
I want to jump off a tall tree
Roses are red
Blood is too
F-U-C-K little you (me)