All Posts in Warrior cats

I made a Bluestar Ref sheet for a map I'm making! Is there anything I should change?

New game! Introducing A cats journey: warriors fan game. Have you ever wanted to roam the warriors world as a brave thunderclan cat? In this D&D's style game based off of the book series warriors by Erin Hunter. Meet friends, fight enemies and more!

the juices are flowing

Why did I make Jayfeather look baked.

Cinderpelt drawing, apologies if I messed up somewhere.

I just found the best thing ever. My life is complete. I can't express how happy this made me. Just watch it…
This was not made by me

this is Zebrapelt i have had this idea for a long time now, she used to be a rogue med cat, traveling and helping other cats- whether they are rogues, kittypets or clan cats. Then when she was old she joined TC as an elder. Hope u like it :)
i just joined and i wanna say hi and ive been looking thru and y'all have some seriously sick art!!