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doodle cuz i bored
Sonic123 created and owned by : Phantasm, Smokievgm and cheesybreader

Fatal glitch aka noah. Fatal glitch
ok, so, the Kiseichu ARG was cancelled in favor of a blue pendrive type creepypasta (not-mediocre, but better than Sonic.EXE), I want to go the easy way, so....uhhhh, hope y'all like the Kiseichu creepypasta

Speed mouse aka zoey
Gender: Female
Species: human soul and hedgehog
Potential: she still had the same potential as the original noah

alright guys, we need a official VA for Kiseichu that know both english and japanese, If you're interested, contact me on discord: Willie_theRabbit or here on gamejolt!

second time that i draw on this artstyle

arabic demon and parasitic yokai = friends!
Kiseichu (the japanese) by me and @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY
Almutahar (the arabic) by Hogman303 on twitter