News in Scopophobia - Official Community

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Oh yea i just realized i never showed this artwork i did almost a year ago which is a redraw from the drawing in the next slide from 2022, right now im currently redrawing it one last time and i can't wait for yall to see it ^^


Sorry for being inactive lately, i've been working on some stuff for the game but so far heres the wip for the redesigned office!

Hi sorry for being inactive lately! Heres the new menu for the game i've been working on for a few days! #FNAF

gang's all here. (CAM 1 redraw) #FNAF

today is Scopophobia's anniversary!! and for that i wanted to show some of the posters a good friend of mine, @inkonadejay on twitter has made, please go follow him! he's a really nice dude!! #FNAF

the first trailer of Scopophobia is out! go watch it!

Scopophobia Trailer #1: HELP WANTED
follow the game page here!:"Family restaurant looking for a security guard to keep watch for the night shift, me...

Happy Halloween! see you soon... #FNAF