Music in Chase And Friends

Where the fun never ends!

this Is the old theme song of Chase And Friends from 2000.
feel old yet?

The VS Angry Alex FNF Song Is Finished!

Chase's World Of Fun, But The audio Is Replaced With Freddy's World Of Color(I'm Back!)

Chase And Friends: The Game Staff Roll WITH LYRICS!

Emerald Trouble, But it's a Super Mario 64 Mashup (Chase's Basics in picking up Emeralds)

The Chase And Friends Movie OST - The Friends We Made(From Roblox)

Here's Crafting With Lyrics!!
also funny fart sound effect

Finally, Here it is! A First look At the Minecraft Cover of Ferocious :D
You better like it ;)

Run, But It's A Faceless Steve And Chase Cover(Based off of my If Chase And Friends Was a Horror Film vid)

Chase has his own theme song now!!!!
(OG Song: Ruler Of The School By Fandroid)