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Finally game is on OPEN TEST!
Make sure to try it out!
If you will find any issues be sure to write them in comments :)

So! Build is ready to be tested!
I'll drop it for testers (in Discord) in one or less hour...
Tester's be sure to check it out!!!

Gladly we like to annouce that soon first night is gonna be playable! Of course its not perfect
Thanks to @BlueFireDev for helping and supporting! Few issues left but mainly everything is done for 1ST NIGHT!
Thanks for waiting!

RU:Я тут решил нарисовать винни (vinnie) из игры FNAC 3 Sexualized,надеюсь вам понравилось мой арт?!).
ENG:I decided to draw vinnie (винни) from the game FNAC 3 Sexualized,I hope you liked my art?!).

damn guys im fully forget about GameJolt to post render
a bit late but Happy New Year

A little late to the party but Merry Christmas everyone! And have a happy new year!