general_channel in a Week with Javier Gamejolt Community

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Happy 4th anniversary A Week with Javier

Happy 4th anniversary a week with Javier

1.000 follower @J4V759D3V İT COMİNG SOON TBSWC 2

Congratulations to @J4V759D3V for reaching 1,000 followers

Congratulations to @J4V759D3V for reaching 1,000 followers :)

GG! now @J4V759D3V has a 1,000 followers! I'M HAPPY!!!!! :D

Hooray @J4V759D3V got 1,000 followers I'm like a week with Javier Fnaf Fan Games that was amazing congratulations

@J4V759D3V Congratulations for 1K followers, you really did it dude!!! 🥳🥳🎉🎉✨✨

Congratulations to 1000 followers,Jav!

Thanks to me,bc I short to the brazilian femboy

And they followed you,Jav

@J4V759D3V is at the final push to 1000 followers, give him the support he needs.

(oh yeah don't forget to follow @ItzSForShadow as well, he's also close to 1000 followers and he's also awesome)