General 🍩 in #FNaFersSquad

What do you want to say to the #FNaFersSquad?


We reached 1M guys!!!

Thanks to everyone who supports me, I'm happy to achieve this goal, I didn't even imagine having so many subscribers..

I'm making a video about it yet and post soon :D

Only 29 left, just updating.

going sleep soon. :P


what i can do im out of idea

o o no

I'm gonna make something for @Rose_The_Cat on sfm because for her way to 900 followers

buenos dias tardes o noches gente espero que allan dormido bien o esten durmiendo bien xd

Count Started!

I'm gonna make something special for my pals @B0NNIE_4 , @Green_Baby_The_Simp and @Dylan_the_Doggo