general in Fundamental Paper Education

Share your paperwork!


you poopoo fools im gonna marry and makeout with leah LeashedSkies

Somehow in someway and in a miracle FPE is slowly getting more cleaner the more time-

And Kaaatie still loves Fpe and is still making content just that she doesn't want it to become more popular and there still are the good faith creators-


how i feel rn and what i feel like doing

Fuck Rebecca, gotta forget about her.

#GJAsks Any game

Hello Game Jolt!

got so bored and decided to do this Avatar Maker Game shit

Well, let's move on, cause no one is replying. Anyway, I just exist for content, no one should care about my mental health, yes, go ahead, ignore this post and don't like it, I'm totally fucking loving it, and I'm totally going too far.

I just want to stop being treated like shit by others.