👑 Hall of Fame 👑 in Fundamental Paper Education

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Lore dump for this aethos engel

Ah yes these are totally the tri-force heroes, Miss Circle, Miss Thavel and Miss Bloomie


Princess T∆ffy in FPE style

TAA DAAA, MY PFE(paper fundamental education) OC! WELCOME MADDIE MAY.

Normal colours+ New and improved form

Here's the drawing, her name is Silly the water deer, i also got a little silly so i made my oc in the fpe colors (on left) and a lil diffrent, and I saw that Silly stole @BOXZEE s head I tried to get it back but she didn't let me, so I'm sorry for that

Danger Circle WIP heheheheheheh

About the other thing I did. I redesigned my FPE Teacher OC! For those interested, I’ll leave some stuff about her in the article.

Finally…I finished all of the doodle pages…

I also did another thing, which I will be posting momentarily.

I drew Oliver from Fpe on chalk on my church's sidewalk lol