All Posts in Freddy's Spontaneous Day Job

Post some shit, yo.

This is DSOAS 5 i haven't done dsoas in a bit so obviously new fangames came out, i'm only doing this one for the weekend the game is DSAFTUE BY @dsaffan69420 AND CREDITS TO @X_Spranp
for making the sprites for the game now lets start
he yguys i'm thinkign of make a new game what do u think
i'm speedrunning GDAF
I've been busy this month, so I haven't been able to work on the game for a while. So I will have to delay the devlog to sometime later this month. Sorry.
pls comment down ANY bugs you see in dsaf tue so i can fix it. Thank you
hey guys please playh my new gaem dayshiftat freddys the undoncumented era it relesed twoday