Game_Related_Things in Fun Times at Homer's (FNaF FanGame) Community

Don't just stand there, say something!

just a reminder that during this month, ftah1 have some unique visuals if you play the game, and so far not many have put much footage of this around.

Hey you guys, I recommend playing ftah1 as you might see something interesting in it. and no i did not update the game this time, don’t need to redownload the game lol

Do you know where the ftah 1 soundtrack is?

If those of ftah 1 are simptronics and those of 2 are botsons, ¿what are the new robots?

does professor frink know that botsons move at night?

Fun Times At Homer's 2 V1.6 (Night 3 пройдено)

Fun Times At Homer's 2 V1.6 (Night 3 пройдено)

wink, wink.

references in ftah

Andyware Plays: Fun Times At Homer's V2.0 (PC) Night 1 & 2
Welcome to fun times at homers v2.0 in this episode ill be playing nights 1 and 2 game download

what does the fan in ftah1 do again