Others in Fun Times at Homer's (FNaF FanGame) Community

Don't just stand there, say something!


(sorry for bad english) I was playing FTaH 2, night 6, I was on 5 AM, suddenly a screen appeared and it said: Warning, and then a binary code message, all in red letters, I was going to take a screenshot but it disapeared, do you guys know something?

Lucy Amd Victor (Ftah3) Render

got bored so made a ftah tierlist totally didn't steal from michel (reposted cause forgot communities)

Drew kwyjibo for the first time

"Plushworld Random Stuff Ep3: Mario & Freddy play Fun Times at Homer's 3"https://youtu.be/quV2pE-AZl4

Plushworld Random Stuff Ep3: Mario and Freddy play Fun Times at Homer's 3
Mario wants to play Fun Times at Homer's 3 with Freddy but he was in the middle of eating a pizza but they still played it after from playing Fun Times at Ho...

My whole perspective on the ftah characters

My Fun Times at Homer's tier list

Hi theeereeee againn

Lucy And Victor As Humans