non official based art in Fun Times at Homer's (FNaF FanGame) Community

Don't just stand there, say something!

What happened to him ??
+new version

my fun times at homer's 3 teaser

what happen to homer bart and lisa

@NickPerson , I have decided to create a concept of Mr burns from Ftah 3, I know that the game is paused but, well, I wanted to make one xD, i hope you like.

@nickperson you like it? It's a ftah1 fan cover

I just did art right now cause game is so cool and i love the fact the graphics are made in MS Paint
looks pretty similar :000
credits to @NickPerson
it's my first time drawing him so uh well

Romer, you are older than before.

Fun Times at Homer's : Security Breach! (Updated)