non official based art in Fun Times at Homer's (FNaF FanGame) Community

Don't just stand there, say something!

It took me a long time to do this awesome piece of fan art but now I'm finally finished with it! Also Happy Late 10th Birthday FNaF, I was absent the whole time working on this that I wanted to show it to all of you so here you go!

what if ballora in fun times at homer's 2

ratbort but numberblocks version
(i know he doesn't look like 100% ratbort but don't hate on me)

This Is A Older Barlis

Havoc nedlyonette

The f.o.h. (known as the family of homer)

And the dormitabis at homer's

Original by @NickPerson

Edit by myself

Fun times at homer's 4

This act, of course, reminded us all of the time that Bart Simptronic [a picture of him appears in the box] took the head of the Springfield statue in one of their classic episodes. Here's what some people had to say:

Ftah 4 (no official)

What if Ghost Abe Grandpie Was in The Fnas Franchise.

Abe as a Hedgehog.

Abe The Hedgehog.

(Fun Times At Homer's × Fnas)