All Posts in Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

Start Falling!

#TwoYearsOfFalling repost because i didnt start the quest

#TwoYearsOfFalling. I really like my skin. Looks like Georgie Pig from Piggy

So, I know it isn't even Season 2 (Free For All) yet, but since the season's theme has already been leaked, and this theme has been on my mind for a few days, and for other reasons, I wanted to make this.

The theme is: The Beach/Ocean.

"I love those Crowns 👑"

Today i drew the default Bean from Fall Guys if he was Starving! (Default And his Red Version) Send me your Opinion by Commenting!


I know, i've already done a Starved Era Drawing, but MAN, i love this Funny Concept so much!