All Posts in Fallout

So… you're thinking about going aboveground?

Hey y'all I know I haven't been on to much so here's some of the things I'm excited to see come out this year read the article

Mr house did it first

Fancasting I made for Fallout's Prime Video adaptation: Jon Bernthal as Nate, The Sole Survivor of Vault 111.

Let me spoil all my kittens


Fallout be like;

im playing fallout new vegas

Been working on something for my portfolio, it seems to be going well so far :) All my own models apart from power armor frame, workbench and cart diagnostic machine which are exported from fallout 4.

New face of Vault Tec 😂💜

Fallout 4 may have sucked to you all, but it did the best with power armor. Then strong, he's just goated. Strong is so relatable, and is just the best companion ever.


The feel.