All Posts in FazbearX: The Broadcast

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black says thanks

and me too thanks

Please take care of him.

What's up with the game.


In fact they never said that.

Office Teaser.

Gustcheese's game is back, more news soon

acaba de salir el teaser trailer de fnafGAMES act: 2

fnafGAMES ACT: 2 teaser trailer evento official
el teaser trailer del nuevo evento official de fnafGAMES act: 2contiene fangamesmaloprometendoreepicomeno popularesno hay fecha pero los prometedo que falta ...

Page Updated ;D

hi guys

im gonna have to say , im desmotived , theres something that make's me desmotived that be hard to work on yaff , and fnati 5.0 , so i gonna pause this game for awhile , if sou see me posting any other games , im doing this for train code , thx bye