General in The Groupbonz (Placeholder Name)

help me please

Nvm it's just someone that lives with me taking the dog out 😅 I think

Guys you know when you don't fall asleep you go crazy well I haven't been sleeping until morning and know I'm hearing noises like somethings near me 😨😰😭

Update: This account is abandoned add me on discord if you wish to speak to me im quitting gamejolt

Guys should I start talking in more's code?

Oh and feel free to comment what you voted in very cereuse

  6 votes Voting finished

false alarm it was my friend opening the old sticker pack i gave them

this randomly completed by itself... HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!

I'm proud isn't lucky it'll just only idk idk idk it'll have isn't idk isn't isn't isn't you idk you y'all try you y'all it's you you the isn't pushy outfit office isn't off isn't proof make is just your item issue office isn't just isn't isn't isn't only

Is there a nether way to get coins uther then completeing missions or paying real life money for them?