Gameplays in Five Nights at Coso Community

What is it? Did Meow just drain all of your power?

Hey y'all, I'm just going to say I'm sorry about the ONwCosonut. The second half of the video didn't have sound. I'm working to fix it.

Here is my video on five nights at Coso's 2 remastered demo I hope you all enjoy I do mention some things one of them is being able to use the flashlight while in the cams

my YT link if you want to see more future content:

Cosonet is draining my oxygen supply!?: Five nights at Coso's 2 remastered demo complete
Welcome everyone to a FNAF fan game called Five nights at Coso's 2 remastered. Today we play the demo and try to complete everything within in it, can we do ...

epic gameplay here:

GuYs OmG HoW Do I HoW HoW Do I DeFeAt CosCoNuT He So StRonG I Dont KnoW HoW To GEt Rid Of Him HeLp ThIs GaMe SuCkS AnD MiDaGaMeSses Is A Pee PeE PoO PoO HeAd!!!!1!!!1111!1!!

Post made by: FNaFepicultramegafangamer09


I actually want to see how you guys beated the secret challenge, I'm just curious XD

FIRST TRY BOI! (Don't ask. it's real. so no. Anyways, you proud Mida???)

GuYs I BeAtEd AlL GrEeN ChAlLeNgE I'M SoOOooOOoO GoOd!!1111!1!!!!