All Posts in Robo’s Foxhouse Official

Robo's Foxhouse RTX has been cancelled because it has alot of bugs!

Robo's Foxhouse V1.8 has just released
With 5 new languages
3 bugs fixed!
New Inventory in extras
wanna get the new mysteries plushie?
use the code 13Rob756Plush99ff143 to get it!
also Wolfie attacks is coming soon to V1.8.5!
Watch the Robo’s Foxhouse 2023 Gameplay trailer!

For my New Upcoming game!
what do you think it should have?
Fun fact: Robo's Foxhouse 2023 took 17 days to develop!

Gameplay trailer coming soon
Thank you for your patience!
We really wanna show some of the game
so when the trailer comes out it will show you the office and cameras I cannot show you the cutscene main menu and ending!
We will make Robo's Foxhouse 2023 a little better for new followers!
also Merry christmas!
We finished the cutscene for John David's revenge now onto Main menu and night one cutscene!
So the vote ended for Frosty's iceberg
we worked hard on that game! so i will do the last vote if it wins Frosty's iceberg will not leave the 5 night family
Will Frosty's iceberg become successful?