fanart in FNIA Lovers
"The Hart Dynasty" Freddy (Inspired by the image of WWE Diva -- Natalya)
1 picture ---more canonical version of Vanessa modified by me.
2 picture ---- original version of Vanessa from Fnia made by @Mairusu
What Do You Want Me To Post Next In Here?
Chica shiranui
Literally from kof character day or also from fatal fury
Bonnie in the image of Grand-Admiral Thrawn from the trilogy of books by Timothy Zahn "Thrawn".
Mangle in the image of the "silent one" from the game "Metal gear solid V: the Phantom Pain"
Here’s all the FNIA girls I have drawn up to this point
Chica as a Rebel Alliance pilot from "Star Wars"
Now it's Freddy's turn to get her electro version.
Volt Freddy(Electro Freddy)
A variation of the costume for Bonnie.....Volt Bonnie(Electro Bonnie)