Forsaken ar NEWS in Forsaken AR: Darkest Delivery🧟‍♂️

forsaken ar

Take a seat as we Return to Screampunk with Time Traveler Toy Chica!

(This is from the official forsaken ar discord server)

Mwahahah I'm posting the news before @Frost_Glitch 😈😈😈

Cool news! (This is from my basement)

-A new wave of cd's has been released, including carnie, Lt&Mt, lolbit and more.

This is from forsaken ar official discord serv!

- Bonigame has been added as a new dev skin.

More in article⬇️

With mendo's redesign and the arrival of his new soundtrack, we now have exactly 69 songs in the game. AHAH. FUNNIEST "human "Defecency" I'VE SEEN ALL DAY

He rises from the depths of the water!

(This is from forsaken ar official discord serv)


New mail, from James, about the other unit by frank. I have a guess on Ennard, but I'll explain later.

Anyways, the cd's are released, I TOLD Y'ALL !!!

Hey guys ! It's me again ! I have an update on music cd's !

Forsaken made the best update ever. Not kidding.

Benny just released, and once again it's a lazy toy Bonnie clone. The problem with forsaken ar recently is that when they add new characters it will always be springtrap/toy Bonnie.8bit purple guy?Just Springtrap.carnie phase 2?Same. It's getting annoying