Videos in Fredinator Community
This is one of my favorite songs from the impostor mod. I absolutely LOVE the beats and the heavy metal guitar in this song. (I have this song on loop rn lmao)
FINALLY beat this level after 702 attempts in total! I will admit my reaction at the end was (imo) overreactive but I kept dying to stupid parts so I was stressed out VERY bad, so I am happy it's finally over. Sorry for no click audio, forgot to set it.
The fuck are they doin?
@fredinator1 spotted in Resident Evil 4 (Gone Wrong)
Beat this level today, what do you guys think, should I keep my noise suppression off with the mic volume higher to hear me clicking, or would you prefer I don't and I just record like I did before with just my webcam/gameplay? Easy demon. (on my new acc)
lol, shyguy got trolled
Random Mario Kart 8 clip because I don't know what else to post.
Decided to play Annihilate (by Destroid) in "Just Shapes And Beats", this is a good game and definitely my favorite song period lol. I did get hit a few times, but beat it so oh well. No webcam cuz controller. :P
Now last but not least, my expurgation completion clip! Key binds in this one are now how they used to be unlike the other two.
Y'know what, I did Hellclown so why not do the other hard songs in this mod, starting with Madness.
My expurgation clip will be posted later today.